Black Dreams it's a solo project by Piero - member of band TriploMaltoSe
An aetheric blending of sounds, voice and large rhythmic structure, quite dark but not imposing, though somewhat unsettling at times. Then, musical expression should create a little bit of awe, that is what makes it magical. It briefly locates an indescribably small gland in your primeval brain and activates it, triggering an exponential effect in evoking a sense of your own self, that you were not even aware of. Truly touching in a very subtle manner.
(presentation by Ivan1984 - http://www.jamendo.com/en/user/Ivan1984)
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This audio is part of the collection: SfintRecords Netlabel Artist/Composer: Black Dreams Date: 2009-09-26
Keywords: Dark Ambient; Experimental; Noise; Concrete
SfintRecords Netlabel