The album is made through 2008 by Lenkes László with the use
of guitars, effects and computer software in a home made studio.
The cover picture is a painting of a vojvodinian/hungarian contemporary artist dr. Máriás Béla.
The intro is a sample from a modern linguist, thinker.
Visszajáró is a band formed in 2007 of Lenkes László having aimed to cooperate with other artists by the name of Visszajaro for further interesting underground music releases.
Located in Törökbecse/Novi Bečej- Temerin, Vajdaság, Serbia.
Contact reference: www.myspace.com/visszajaro
Time of album: 32’
01 – logos
02 – a vajdasági tejúttermelők szövetkezetéhez
03 – blues kóan a mester titkáról
04 – zöld és lila
05 – a varázsló kertje
06 – paris hilton a holdról
07 – intro
In english:
01 – logos
02 – to the vojvodinian milky way-farmers’ co-operative
03 – blues koan on the master’s secret
04 – green and lilac
05 – the garden of the wizard
06 – paris hilton from the moon
07 - intro
This audio is part of the collection: SfintRecords Netlabel
Artist/Composer: Visszajáró
Date: 2010-02-21
Source: SfintRecords
Keywords: experimental; ambient; guitar manipulation; noise; improvisation
Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
SfintRecords Netlabel http://sfintrecords.altervista.org
http://www.myspace.com/sfintrecords sfintrecords@gmail.com