The third and also the darkest Ristikiehtova full-length. Filled with unsavoury musical elements, false expectations and misplaced author pride, it is an audio trip few are eager to take. The concept this time is pretty abstract, mainly about Ristikiehtova itself and how I've felt lately. Hear it, if you feel compelled to. If you for some reason find yourself enjoying this album,feel free to spread it using any non-intrusive means you know.
More info and contact: http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/Ristikiehtova http://akheon.wordpress.com/net-label/
Ristikiehtova - Ristikiehtova (a.k.a. S/T) (2009)
Ristik. - concept, synths, vocals, programming, flute (tracks 1, 2 and 5),kantele (tracks 1, 3 and 5), acoustic guitar, album cover
Ilja Koslonen - electric guitar on tracks 1 and 5
"Tapoinen" - guest spoken word on track 5 Public domain horror movies - ambience for track 5
1. Kuninkaallisen taipumuksen tyyssija (X. 1. 2009)
translate eng.: "the dwelling/resting place of a royal tendency"
päivä toisen jälkeen...
Kelvottomuus on pahe johon vain kuninkaallisilla on varaa
tämä musiikki on kelvotonta
tyyssija jossa vastakohdat yhdistyvät
translate eng.:
day after day...
Being worthless is a vice only the royal can afford
this music is worthless
a place where the opposites combine"
2. Maatuminen jatka tästä (29. 1. 2009)translate eng.: "Decomposing continue here"
Yksinäisyys on pahinta huumetta
ja sekään ei riitä tyydyttämään
translate eng.:
"loneliness is the worst drugand even that's not enough to satisfy"
3. Elämän sujuminentranslate eng.: "faring of life"
Nautin elämästä niin pitkään kuin se kestää
translate eng.:
"I will enjoy life as long as it lasts"
4. Itsenäistyä
translate eng.: "becoming independent" Instrumental
5. Survival horror
"Miten täältä pääsee pois?"
translate eng.: "How do you get out of here?"
6. Vatsatautitranslate eng.: "stomach flu"
Identifier: SFIRE012 Creator: Ristikiehtova Mediatype: audio Date: 2009-10-17 Year: 2009 Licenseurl: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Pick: 1 Publicdate: 2009-10-17 15:20:15 Added date: 2009-10-17 15:18:44 Source: SfintRecords Keywords: Experimental; Symphonic
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